DGP's External Safety Advisor ADR
We advise your company on ADR safety transportation of dangerous goods

Did you know?
Having an ADR safety advisor is mandatory if your company is involved in transporting hazardous goods by road! 

An external safety advisor ADR is a person who specializes in advising companies involved in the transport of dangerous goods according to ADR regulations. The ADR external safety adviser is tasked with advising on the risks associated with the transport of dangerous goods and ensuring that a company's transport activities are in compliance with ADR regulations. The consultant must keep abreast of the latest legal requirements and recommend them to the company he or she works for.

The tasks of an external safety advisor ADR include
  • Identifying the safety risks associated with the transport of dangerous good

  • Advising on the packaging, labeling and documentation of dangerous goods

  • Drawing up and updating procedures and instructions for employees involved

  • Checking compliance with ADR regulations and recommending improvements

  • Advising on the right measures for emergencies and incidents, and drawing up emergency plans

The importance of an ADR safety advisor

The external safety advisor ADR has an important role in guaranteeing the safety of the persons involved, goods and the environment during the entire transport of dangerous goods. It is crucial to choose an experienced and qualified consultant for your business to stay legally compliant and reduce the risk of accidents.

Download the ADR safety advisor report here [FILL]


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